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Component: A part or assembly. Components can contain other components. A component can be a single part.

Part: The most basic component which consists of only itself.

Assembly: Traditional parlance for ondroid Component.

Mechanical Design: Concept design of parts and assemblies. Also known as design, machine design, or mechanism design.

Non-flight: Hardware or software that is not utilized in deployment. Example: a load bearing frame used in testing, or a charging dock. In general, anything that is not a part of the robot during use. Equivalent in Aerospace: GSE (Ground Support Equipment).

Commercial Off TheShelf: Items purchased from vendors that are not manufactured by the project.


Acroynms have a space before and after to aid in search.

 TLA - Top Level Assembly (Top Level Component)

 TLC - Top Level Component (The same as TLA)

 FBD - Free Body Diagram

 DOF - Degree of Freedom

 BOM - Bill of Materials

 IK - Inverse Kinematics

 COTS - Commercial Off The Shelf